Chabad-Lubavitch is a philosophy, movement and organization. It is considered to be the most dynamic force in Jewish life today.
Chabad the philosophy was formulated in the 1700’s by Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi. Chabad Chassidism made the deepest teachings of the Torah, Kabbala and Jewish mysticism accessible to the average person in an intellectual manner - which brought incredible meaning and purpose to the age-old traditions of Judaism. A complex theology, Chabad Chassidism teaches a deeper perspective on man, his Creator and the world in which we live; infusing its students with a profound sense of purpose and mission.
Chabad the movement swept through Russia and spread in surrounding countries as well. It provided scholars with answers that eluded them and simple farmers were taught that they too were able to love G‑d and connect with Him at their level. Eventually the philosophy of Chabad-Lubavitch and it’s adherents reached almost every corner of the world and affected almost every facet of Jewish life.
The movement is guided by the teachings of its seven leaders, “Rebbes”. These leaders expounded upon the most refined and delicate aspects of Jewish mysticism, creating a corpus of study thousands of books strong. They personified the age-old, Biblical qualities of piety and leadership, and they concerned themselves not only with Chabad but with the totality of Jewish life, spiritual and physical. No person or detail was too small or insignificant for their love and dedication.
Chabad the organization today spans the continents, with centers across the globe in 61 countries, and 45 states here in America. Chabad centers provide educational, religious and social services to the entire spectrum of Jewish people depending on the needs of their area. Chabad reaches out in a non-judgmental, open manner to all Jews and offers a deep insight into the rich and beautiful heritage of our people, and it’s relevance to world Jewry today.
Chabad on Campus is currently operating on over 100 university campuses throughout the country and many more abroad. Chabad on campus is currently undergoing a growth spurt after having recently received significant grants to open on many more campuses in the immediate future. Recognizing that college age students are at a crucial stage in their lives, forging their paths for the future and determining how Judaism will play a role in their future lives, Chabad on Campus opens it’s doors to all Jewish students and provides a warm Jewish environment conducive to open exploration of our rich heritage.
The Chabad Lubavitch House at Penn was founded in 1980 by Rabbi Menachem and Chava Schmidt. Lubavitch House at Penn has emerged as a pioneer and leader in Chabad on campus internationally. Subsequently in 1990 Rabbi Ephraim and Flora Levin joined the team. In 1993, with the help of several ZBT brothers, The Jewish Heritage Programs (JHP) was founded in order to meet new challenges and reach new goals. In 2000, Rabbi Levi and Nechama Haskelevich arrived as Campus Rabbi and co-directors of education and programming, altogether creating the force that is Lubavitch House at Penn.
Our Name: Lubavitch House is more than just a physical facility. It refers to an amalgamation of religious, social and educational activities and services for the benefit of the Jewish community at Penn under the direction of the Rabbis and Rebbetzins Schmidt, Levin, and Haskelevich. These activities and services are provided by several nonprofit organizations.
Guideline Services is one of these organizations. In addition to the operation of various programs, Guideline Services is the principle entity soliciting contributions for Lubavitch House under the registered name, “Lubavitch House at Penn”. Guideline Services was incorporated in 1983 for the work of Rabbi Menachem and Chava Schmidt at the Lubavitch House for the University of Pennsylvania. Guideline Services has been determined by the IRS to be a religious organization exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. All unrestricted donations to Guideline Services are used for the operation of the programs at Penn and the upkeep of the Lubavitch House facilities. Capital campaign donations for Lubavitch House are used by Guideline Services for the completion of the new center.